In the Gospels of the New Testament, Jesus is performed many healings and miracles, including curing people of various diseases and disabilities. It is interesting to think about patterns demonstrated in His healings. Some patterns that can be observed in these accounts include:
- Jesus often healed people who were considered outcasts or marginalized by society, such as lepers and demon-possessed individuals. Jesus loves the outcast and the marginalized.
- Jesus often healed people who had faith in him and believed that he could heal them. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. No matter how much we try to avoid this, faith is important. Trusting God, trusting his Word, despite pain, disappointment, despite everything lining up against you in the natural.
- Jesus often healed people instantly and dramatically, such as by restoring sight to the blind or making the lame walk. We too often talk about faith as a “process”, which it can be. But let’s talk a bit more about instant healings also. That’s Jesus’ model. He said anyone who believed in Him would do what he was doing, in fact even greater things, because He was going to the Father. Let’s agitate for that, set our sights on that high bar.
- Jesus often performed healings as a way of demonstrating his authority and power, and as a way of fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament. All authority has been given to Jesus and he did not shy away from demonstrating that. He is pleased today to demonstrate it through us.
- Jesus often used the healing of physical ailments as a way of pointing to spiritual truths, such as the importance of faith and the love of God. Important lessons were learned through many of Jesus healings.
These patterns are based on the accounts of Jesus’ healings in the Gospels, and do not necessarily represent all of the healings that Jesus performed. We are blessed to have a snippet or fraction of the healings He performed, to encourage us, to teach us, and give us a goal to aspire to!