Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
When it comes to healing, I’m the most gregarious person in the world. I’ll talk to anyone about it, I’ll ask anyone I respect to pray for me or for others, and I can be like the four friends who…
The role of intercession has always been critical in church history. Webster’s Dictionary describes intercession as “prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another”. Pentecost was ushered in through prayer and intercession (Acts 2); Paul and Barnabas were also selected…
For a church that makes a commitment to become a Healing Church, the truth is that everything will change. First, it will probably lose members. Every church I know of that made this commitment has gone through the process. “Such…
I recall sitting in a large church meeting that was once again, dismissed without an altar call. Having attended the church for a while, I was fairly confident there were more than a few new faces in attendance. Most of…
John Lake, the founder of the Healing Rooms at the turn of the 20th century, had an interesting test for believers who wanted to become healing room workers. They assigned you a sick person and if that person was healed,…
In the last 3 posts, we have examined the preamble to either self-ministry by a sick person or ministry by a person or team to a seeker. We have established what a person believes, plus possible obstacles to healing and…
The last two posts laid out a foundation for an individual path to healing. To recap, they looked at healing as a lifestyle and the desirability of storing up the Word relating to God’s promises in this area on a…
In my last post, I asserted that healing is best viewed as a lifestyle, not just an event. This is especially so if God has called you into the healing ministry. Jesus would often wake up early in the morning…
So then, what is this practical path to healing for an individual? The first important point is that healing is not best seen as an event. It is a lifestyle. Many Christians couldn’t give you a couple scriptures on healing,…
One of the most frustrating things in our Christian walk is when we are presented with positional truths by Bible teachers with no accompanying practical paths to live these truths. So we hear such positional truths as: I have given…
I want to write today about a man called Mark. He worked as a security guard in the apartment block I lived in years back. Why do I bring up Mark? Well, because Mark was an evangelist, big-time. Not big-time…
I find the ministry of Jesus incredibly fascinating. There are 26 instances in the gospels where Jesus healed sick individuals (there were other mass healings). In all of the 26 instances, He never refused anyone, everyone was healed. Some may…